Plastic Canvas Christmas & Holidays, Page
PN-1811 |
Plastic Canvas Little Wigglers,
designed by Sandra Miller Maxfield, The Needlecraft Shop, 1996. Digest- size
book; designs stitched on 7-mesh plastic canvas: Santa, Snowman, and Reindeer.
Numbers and marks next to graphs to keep track of holes.
$4.99 |
PN-1668 |
Plastic Canvas Seasonal Welcome,
designed by Jocelyn Sass, The Needlecraft Shop, 1992. Digest- size book;
designs stitched on 7-mesh plastic canvas: Spring - Bunny, Summer - Patriotic
Heart, Autumn -- Scarecrow, Winter - Snowman. Excellent condition.
$5.99 |
PN-1589 |
Plastic Canvas Southwest
Christmas, designed by Bette Ashley, Hot Off The Press, 1991. 12 designs on
7 mesh include: Peach and Aqua Angel, Red and Yellow Angel, Lavender and Aqua
Angel, Purple and Lavender Angel, Burgundy Angel, Red and Green Angel, Clay
Pot, Chili, Cowboy Boot, Coyote, Saguaro, and Cactus Pot. May have tag or tag
smudge on front cover, but otherwise very good condition.
2 Available
$6.99 |
PN-1590 |
Plastic Canvas Touch of Joy Home
Decor, designed by Marianne Telesca, The Needlecraft Shop, 1997. Designs on
7- mesh include: Canisters, Trinket Box, Mirror Frame, Tissue Cover, Gift
Wrapped Box, Plant Cozy, Oval Frame, Wastebasket. Like new.
$6.99 |
PN-1508 |
Plastic Canvas Seasonal Door
Greetings, designed by Michele Wilcox, The Needlecraft Shop, 1991. 4
designs on 7- mesh include: Bunny - Spring, Uncle Sam - Summer, Pumpkins -
Fall, Snowman - Winter. Like new. PLEASE NOTE: this came from a home with MANY
cats. I'm not smelling any odors, but I am feeling a tightness in the back of
my throat. If you have allergies, do NOT buy!
$6.99 |
PN-1344 |
Christmas Magnets in Plastic
Canvas, designed by Dick Martin, Lesiure Arts, 1993. Designs include: Wagon
Mouse, Candle, Santa, ell, Dog, Angel, Cat, Nutcracker, Snowman, Train, Dove,
Bear, Horn, Angel Mouse, Santa Mouse, Mrs. Mouse. Price crossed off on cover,
corners slightly bent from mailing. Otherwise, very good condition.
$6.99 |
PN-1345 |
Plastic Canvas Party Planters,
designed by Robin Petrina, The Needlecraft Shop, 1996. Designs worked on 7-
mesh include: Blossoming Eggs (w/ Bunny, Chick, & Egg plant pokes),
Shooting Stars (w/ Stars and Flag plant pokes), Smilin' Jack (w/ Ghost,
PUmpkin, and Cat plant pokes), Chilly Snowman (w/ Snowflake, Cardinal, and Tree
pokes), Bloomin Hearts. Like new.,
$8.99 |
PN-1309 |
Plastic Canvas Holiday Air
Fresheners, designed by Sandra Miller- Maxfield, The Needlecraft Shop,
1995. Designs worked on 7- mesh include: Easter Chick- Chick, Pink Cottontail,
Eggs & Treats Bear, U- S- Air Freshener, Boo-tiful Ghostie, Wicket
Witchlet, Spooky Black Cat, Jolly Saint Nick, Christmas Jewels.
$11.99 |
Details &
Ordering |
PN-1310 |
Holiday Wall Baskets in Plastic
Canvas, designed by Vicki Scott, Back Street Designs, 1990. Designs on 7-
mesh include: Christmas Basket, Thanksgiving Basket, Halloween Basket,
Valentine Basket, and Easter Basket. Some wear at folds, but overall good
$5.99 |
PN-1213 |
Victorian Christmas, designed by
Joan Green, Hot Off the Press Inc., 1989. 12 ornaments on 7- mesh include: Cat,
Stocking, Swan, Bunny, Fan, Dove, Heart, Gingerbread House, Wreath, Bell, High-
Topped Boot, Sheep. Price crossed off on cover; otherwise excellent
$5.99 |
PN-1174 |
Plastic Canvas Teddy Bears, Mary
Maxim, nd. Pattern sheet that came with kit for cute double-sided, stuffed
teddy bear ornament. This is from my own collection; I won't swear to it, but I
believe these were worked on 10- meash plastic canvas. Good used condition --
somewhat wrinkled, and very light pencil notations on graphs to count number of
$5.99 |
PN-1812 |
Plastic Canvas High Buttoned Shoe
Ornaments, Mary Maxim, nd. Pattern sheet that came with kit for cute
double-sided ornament. Looks like these were worked on 10- mesh plastic canvas.
Somewhat wrinkled, but no markings.
$5.99 |
PN-1813 |
Plastic Canvas Santa Claus Wall
Hanging, Mary Maxim, nd. Pattern sheet that came with kit. Looks like these
were worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas. Definitely used, but no markings.
$5.99 |
PN-1814 |
Plastic Canvas Goose Holiday Coasters
with Holder, Mary Maxim, nd. Pattern sheet that came with kit. Looks like
these were worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas. Definitely used, numbers on some
graphs to keep track of holes.
$3.99 |
PN-1111 |
Plastic Canvas Christmas Kisses,
designed by Dick Martin, Plastic Canvas All Stars, Leisure Arts, 1995. Santa
and Reindeer. Excellent condition, but may smell slightly of cigarette
$5.99 |
PN-1036 |
Plastic Canvas Celestial
Ornaments, designed by Laura Kramer- Doyle, Annie Potter Presents, 1997. 8
lacy- looking ball covers worked on 10- mesh plastic canvas. Bottom corners
slightly bent, but otherwise excellent condition.
$9.99 |
PN-1225 |
Plastic Canvas A- Door- Able
Santa, designed by Sandra Miller Maxfield, The Needlecraft Shop, 1998.
Worked on 7- mesh; finished size 15-1/2" x 18-1/2". Like new.
$5.99 |
PN-1226 |
Plastic Canvas Holly Candy
Canister, designed by Sandra Miller Maxfield, The Needlecraft Shop, 1998.
Worked on 7- mesh. Like new.
$5.99 |
PN-966 |
Plastic Canvas Christmas Tree
Doorstop, designed by Joyce Messenger, The Needlecraft Shop, 1998. Worked
on 7- mesh. Like new, but may smell of cigarette smoke.
$5.99 |
PN-967 |
Plastic Canvas Christmas Tree
Lamp, designed by Joyce Messenger, The Needlecraft Shop, 1998. Worked on 7-
mesh. Like new, but may smell of cigarette smoke.
$5.99 |
PN-894 |
Pom-Pom Santas & Plastic
Canvas, designed by Sandy and Honey for Studio M, Leisure Arts, 1992. Santa
made from pompoms and felt; project include: Bookmark, Magnet, Plant Poke,
Bracelet, Card Box, Picture Frame, Pin, and Tissue Box Cover. Like new.
$5.99 |
PN-845 |
Advent Tree in Plastic Canvas,
designed by Barbara Dell, Leisure Arts, 1993. Add an ornament each day in
December to the 15-1/2" tall tree until you come to the Christmas star.
Worked on 7 mesh plastic canvas. Corners bent slightly from mailing, but
otherwise like new.
$6.99 |
PN-845b |
Advent Tree in Plastic Canvas,
designed by Barbara Dell, Leisure Arts, 1993. Add an ornament each day in
December to the 15-1/2" tall tree until you come to the Christmas star.
Worked on 7 mesh plastic canvas. Good used condition; purple- blue- black
smudges along inside edges that look like ink smears. No sign of dampness or
odors that suggest these might be mold, but just to be safe, do not order if
you are mold- sensitive.
$5.99 |
PN-824 |
More Holiday Magnets in Plastic
Canvas, designed by Dick Martin, Leisure Arts, 1988. Designs include:
Valentine's Day Cat and Bear; St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun and Shamrock; Easter
Bunny, Duck, Chick, and Rabbit; 4th of July Mouse, Sparkler, and Flag;
Halloween Witch, Pumpkin, and Ghost; Thanksgiving Pilgrim Man, Pilgrim Woman,
and Horn of Plenty; and Christmas Goose, Horse, Stocking, and Santa . Excellent
condition; may smell like fabric softener sheet.
3 Available
$5.99 |
PN-1288 |
Holiday Magnets in Plastic Canvas,
Book 3, designed by Dick Martin, Leisure Arts, 1992. Designs include:
Valentine's Day Cupid and Heart; St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun and Rainbow;
Easter Chick, Basket, and Bunny; 4th of July Eagle and USA; Halloween Witch,
Pumpkin, and Cat; and Christmas Angel, Santa, Reindeer, and Tree. Like new.
$6.99 |
PN-825 |
Ho- Ho Santa in Plastic Canvas
(Holiday Doors Book 3), designed by Jack Peatman for LuvLee, Leisure Arts,
1991. 25" high Santa in 7- mesh plastic canvas. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
PN-785 |
Holiday Mini Baskets in Plastic
Canvas, designed by Sandy and Honey for Studio M, Leisure Arts, 1993.
Projects on 7- mesh include: Easter Basket, Halloween Basket, Independence Day
Basket, Pilbrm Basket, Santa Basket, St. Patrick's Day Basket, Valentine's Day
Basket. Excellent condition - may smell like fabric softener sheet.
$6.99 |
PN-786 |
Snowflakes in Plastic Canvas,
designed by Joan Green, Leisure Arts, 1994. 10 interchangeable components on 7-
mesh can be combined in many many different ways to create your own snowflakes.
Good condition.
3 Available
$5.99 |
PN-779 |
Holiday Magnets Galore in Plastic
Canvas, designed by Sandy and Honey for Studio M, Leisure Arts, 1995.
Projects on 7- mesh include: Heart Bear, Lepechaun, Easter Bunny, Easter Egg,
4th of July Heart, Ghost, Jack- o'- Lantern, Fall Leaves, Turkey, Snowman,
Santa, Candy Cane, Wreath, and Reindeer. Very good condition.
$6.99 |
PN-768 |
Plastic Canvas Beary Merry
Christmas, designed by Kimberly A. Suber, The Needlecraft Shop, 1998.
Excellent condition.
$5.99 |
PN-748 |
Home for the Holidays in Plastic
Canvas, designed by Dick Martin, Leisure Arts, 1990. House and
interchangeable motifs for holidays and special events, worked on 7- mesh.
Motifs include: Welcome, Horseshoe, Shamrock, Bunny, Squirrel, Pumpkin, Wat,
Heart, Balloons, Wreath, Flag, Horn of Plenty, and Birthday Cake. Former
owner's name and "121" written in marker on cover; otherwise, very
good condition.
$5.99 |
PN-740 |
Mini Wind Socks in Plastic
Canvas, designed by Jack Peatman for Luvlee Designs, Leisure Arts, 1991.
Projects include Thanksgiving Pilgrims, Easter Chicks, Valentine Hearts,
Christmas Reindeer, Halloween Cats, and Independence Day Firecrackers.
Excellent condition.
$5.99 |
PN-701 |
Plastic Canvas Fast & Fun
Ornaments, designed by Sheri Lautenschlager, Annie's Attic, 1996. Designs
on 7- mesh include: Bell, Tree, Mouse Swing, Star, Stocking Mouse, Snowman, and
Reindeer Swing. Like new.
$7.99 |
PN-670 |
Plastic Canvas Christmas
Ornaments, designed by Rebecca Neuenschwander, Needleworks, 1983. Ornaments
on 7- mesh include: Snowflake, Bell, Diamond Cone, Diamond Basket, Candle,
Wreath, Tree, Joy, Noel, Peace, Circular Basket, Stocking, Garland, Santa, Mrs.
Claus, and Elf. Name and date on inside front cover; otherwise, excellent
$5.99 |
PN-585 |
Plastic Canvas Thanksgiving
Harvest, designed by Phyllis Dobbs, House of White Birches, 1998. 9
Thanksgiving designs on 7-mesh plastic canvas include: Autumn Leaf Coaster Set,
Turkey Welcome Sign, Turkey Napkin Holder, Napkin Rings & Place Card
Holders, Pilgrim Table Decoration, Thanksgiving Basket, Place Mat, and
Cornucopia. Excellent condition, though may smell slightly of cigarette
$6.99 |
PN-558 |
Christmas Balls in Plastic
Canvas, designed by Sue Penrod, Leisure Arts, 1997. Designs on 7- mesh
plastic canvas include: Reindeer, Bear, Elf, Snowman, Santa, Penguin, Angel,
and Toy Soldier. Very good condition.
2 Available
$7.99 |
PN-542 |
Mini Door Signs in Plastic
Canvas, designed by Jack Peatman, Leisure Arts, 1991. Designs on 7- mesh
plastic canvas include: Ghost, Heart, Uncle Sam, Pilgrim Lady, Easter Bunny,
and Santa Claus. Excellent condition.
$5.99 |
PN-543 |
Mr. Snowman in Plastic Canvas,
designed by Jack Peatman, Leisure Arts, 1990. 22-1/2" high Snowman on 7-
mesh plastic canvas. Very good condition.
$5.99 |
PN-420 |
Wire Crosses, designed by Lee
Lindeman, Annie's Attic, 2010. 6 designs, worked on 7- mesh plastic canvas with
plastic canvas yarn and metallic craft cord; trimed with 18- gauge wire.Brand new!
2 Available
$5.99 |
Plastic Canvas Christmas/Holidays:
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* [ 4
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8] * [ 9 ]
Villages/Railroads * PC
Angels * PC
Just For
Easter * Just
Halloween * Christmas & Holiday